Enable Team
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Andrew Buckton
Andrew has extensive experience of teaching pupils with complex learning difficulties, including children on the autism spectrum. He has taught in both mainstream primary schools and in special education in both primary and secondary phases. He has a Masters in the Psychology of Special Educational Needs and holds the National Professional Qualification for Headship as well as the Professional Qualification for Inspecting Schools. He is a research fellow of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust and holds the SSAT Executive Headteachers Diploma
Director of Finance and Operations (DFO)
Tamsin Moreton
Tamsin is a part qualified ACCA accountant with over 27 years Local Authority finance experience. Prior to joining Enable Trust, Tamsin worked for Integra (the trading arm of South Gloucestershire Council) in the Schools Finance team for 11 years and worked closely with both Culverhill and New Siblands Schools, providing financial support as part of this role.
Central Business Operations Team
Ana Tsoucalas - Head of Operations
Tracy Norris - Project Development Lead
Dave Owen - Trust Estate Manager
Tash Searle - Trust Operations Manager
Debbie Watkins - Finance Assistant
Jane Reed - HR Assistant
Education, Education and Health Care (EHCP) Team
Jon Troy - EHCP Lead, Careers and Transitions Adviser
Jess Hobbs - Senior EHCP Administrator
Vicki Rodda - EHCP Administrator
Governance Professional
Frances Macmillan - email: frances.mcmillian@enabletrust.org.uk
Speech and Language Therapy Team
Jane Stonehouse - Lead Speech and Language Therapist
Michelle Jefferies - Speech and Language Therapy Assistant