
"Working together passionately to achieve the best outcomes for our SEND children and young people" 

We believe our vision is wholly aligned with our charitable objects.  We will achieve the best outcomes for our pupils through ensuring our provision is of the highest quality, marked by a differentiated curriculum offer and personalised pedagogy.

As a MAT, we have an educational charity’s objective to “advance education for public benefit”.  We are to do this through “offering a broad and balanced curriculum appropriate to the needs of its students and specially organised to make special educational provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs.  

Enable Trust is accountable for the education of every child and young person and the professional performance of every employee in providing that education.

Our 5 strategic intents are:

1. To empower and promote the SEND voice across the systems (local, regional and national)

The holistic needs of pupils with SEN in specialist settings are understood by LA, stakeholders, partners, Ofsted, Government.  Knowledge is better able to inform National policy.  Disability awareness and community ethos significantly strengthened.

2. To attract, develop and share leadership and expertise in SEND

  1. Wider system expertise in SEN is enhanced through high quality outreach support and CPD.  Training in key areas such as ASD, SEMH, SLCN is high quality and has strong impact on outcomes for pupils in mainstream schools.  CPD released through partnership work and teaching school hubs.
  2. Families supported through a strong culture of advocacy, help, training and access to professionals and services that enhance children’s outcomes and aid family well-being. 
  3. Highly skilled sustainable workforce.   All staff have an agreed standard of SEN expertise that ensures an exceptionally high quality of SEN provision within the Trust 
  4. Clear routes for career progression within the Trust are mapped out. 
  1. Robust succession and sustainability plan - talent for leadership growth recognised and developed.  Professional leadership qualifications for leaders developed and established.  
  2. Governance at Trustee and school level is consistently strong, has clarity of roles and is sustainable.  

3. To secure the most effective EHC provision for children and young people from the earliest years through to post-19

High quality provision and a relentless focus on the quality of our offer and sustainable school improvement is the hall mark of our Trust.  Quality local provision that meets pupils’ needs effectively from nursery education to in-house Post-16 provision.  We will strongly advocate for our students for a high quality post 16 and post 19 offer locally.  Post 16 and Post 19 students are further prepared for adult life through enhanced life skills programmes and vocational preparation – either in a specialist ‘college’ or available provisions.  Their transition to their next steps is timely and purposeful. Students have local provision to meet needs.

4. To seek our funding and growth to increase the availability and impact of sustainable high quality provision

The Trust will have sustainable resourcing with an overall financial position deemed to be low risk, despite the challenging fiscal climate.  We will seek to augment our capacity through growth (new free schools and existing schools to join) to collectively have:

  • Clarity of our values – putting children and families at the heart of our decisions and improvement drive
  • School improvement model that is responsive to the needs of each school in our MAT
  • Operating as one organisation with ‘all our children’ as our focus
  • Transparent governance with clear accountabilities
  • Clear, tangible and inspiring benefits to children, families, carers and staff

5. To pioneer excellence in staff and pupil achievement and well-being

Innovative approaches to ensuring mental health and holistic needs are enhanced in our offer, supporting individuals, our systems and our families.

Across all these intents, we see the ambition to build on our success and learning, within the clear boundaries of our values, as paramount.